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Yuri on Ice Meets Moulin Rouge

From the moment I saw Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir perform this routine at the PyeongChang Olympics I wanted to see a Yuri on Ice version. Funnily enough I'm not a big Moulin Rouge fan, but something about the music really fits Victor and Yuri.

Since it was very unlikely this routine would ever feature on the actual show, and with the Yuri on Ice movie still a long way off, I decided to try animating this routine myself.

Yuri on Ice utilized rotoscoping in order to animate their skating routines, so I did the same thing. By rotoscoping several different version of Virtue and Moir's performance, and hand drawing every frame, I managed to make what I think is a half way decent animation of Yuri and Victor performing this Moulin Rouge routine.

Yuri on Ice holds a special place in my heart. I love how the story kept to a simple plot in order to focus on building its dynamic characters, while still giving us a lot of beautiful animation and music. It is obvious the creators had a passion for what they were making. I am also so grateful to see a show become popular that features a healthy relationship between its main characters. So often I see books and movies that glorify abusive relationship's become popular and it boggles me every time. For this reason, episode four of Yuri on Ice is my favorite simply because it is so refreshing to watch two characters sit down and talk about their problems like adults, and come to a mature understanding. We need more healthy examples like this in our media.

Making this animation was a lot of work (over two years worth) and it still isn't done. However, the fun of making it outweighs the effort and I hope it at least brought a smile to some peoples' faces while the rest of the world seems to be falling apart right now.

Don't worry, I do plan on finishing the routine, and even adding color in the future.

So stay strong, and SEE YOU NEXT LEVEL.


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© 2020 by D'Arcy Arden

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